What is this thing called love? This simple question begs for an answer. The symptoms of love are familiar enough. A drifting mooniness in one’s behavior and thought, the fact that it seems as...
At the dawn of the new millennium, there is nothing that develops faster than technology. The most well known symbol of technology – the computer has conclusively proven that. The P.C. now stands as the ultimate establisher of orderliness or the essential
In my view, a film is really powerful when the plot is rich, detailed and above all gripping and intricate, the director is passionately devoted to the message he wants to convey. Only then can a film move and stem the audience...
The place I adored visiting as a child is a vast meadow in the slopes of Balkan Mountain. Every time the scenery overwhelmed me with its beauty, and also the memories which it evoked in me...
When I look from my window words fail me. Before me with every blink of my eyes a majestic view is unveiled. From the top of my five-storey tower everything looks as if a kid has mistakenly flipped his...
Тоталитаризъм - същност (значение), възникнал след Първата световна война, тоталитарни държави, основни разновидности на тоталитарното управление (комунизъм, фашизъм, националсоциализъм)...
Брокерите на ценни книжа са служители на инвестиционни посредници. На интернет-страницата на Борсата можете да намерите списък на всички лицензирани инвестиционни посредници и техните брокери, както и офисите им в страната...